Regenerative Family Farming

We have a lot going on here at the farm. We raise chickens and sheep for food. We are building food forests. We have Jersey cows for milk, alpaca and llamas for fiber. We are healing this earth one square foot at a time. We are learning on the job, and that comes with learning some lessons the hard way. We are first generation family farmers with one goal, clean, healthy, nutrient dense foods. Follow along as we grow with the land.

We only get one body, let’s support it so we can thrive and not just survive. We truly believe that every body can find balance and health. Here I’ll share what’s working for our family. Try it, adjust it, and figure out what your individual body needs.

Healing Our Bodies, Healing the Earth

Homestead Recipes

Friends you have been begging for recipes for years. Here are our favorite family recipes. We focus on mostly local, in season, traditional food, always aiming to add more veggies. “Let food be thy medicine.” -Hippocrates

Farm Offerings

The best way to support our small farm is by purchasing our home grown products. Sorry we do not ship and have no plans to ship in the future.

Pay for cats & more

Upcoming Events

Join us on the farm for learning in community

"Farming isn't a battle against nature, but a partnership with it. It is respecting the basics of nature in action and ensuring that they continue."

-Jeff Koehler

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