We are the Shineman Family, welcome to our farm, our way of life, our space to share what works for us in hopes others will be inspired to find what works for them.

I'm Jess, I am the voice, the dreamer, the community creator. My dear husband Ryan is the farmer, he's working hard to make all our dreams come true. We homeschool our three littles, Everett-9, Eloise-5, and Elden-2. We are all in, working together every day to build this dream. Our farm currently has 10 different species, each one plays a different role in our goal of regenerative farming. 

We are first generation farmers, with one goal - The cleanest healthiest food we can afford to produce. We are building a legacy and want to leave our children with land that has been nurtured and healed.  We are learning on the job, as we work hard to produce the majority of the food we consume.  While holding the dream of having abundance to share with our local community. We want more than organic, we want to heal the soil so we can produce food with more nutrients. 

We believe that one the best ways we can begin to change our world, and our health is to bring things back to the local level. Eating in season, supporting small farms, making things at home from scratch. We are calling back in the skills and knowledge that was almost lost in our modern, instant gratification world. 

Clean food helped us find health and healing.  Jess cured her infertility, gut issues, and PCOS with food, herbs, homeopathy, and mindfulness.  She experimented on herself through years of heartache as she worked to make her body healthy enough for a baby.   Ryan has cured debilitating anxiety and chronic heartburn. He has worked his way to health from panic attacks, focus issues, and bottles of tums.  Everett has healed his cavities. All other minor illnesses (and some major) and injuries are taken care of with food and natural remedies. Food has always been the core of healing for us. Nutrient dense, organic, fresh food that comes with just one ingredient on the list.

This is our space to share farm offerings, recipes, wisdom, community events, and general homesteading shenanigans. 

Welcome to Shine Wild Family Farm, we are so glad you are here.